Best Heavy-duty ellipticals for obese person

With an elliptical, you can engage in cardio sessions and whip yourself into shape. It allows you to burn lots of calories and reduce body fat, thereby leading to an effective weight loss. If you’re overweight, this can be something you want to consider. However, looking for the right machine that can support your weight might be a bit of a challenge. Lucky for you, heavy duty ellipticals do exist, but they’re a bit harder to find compared to their normal counterparts.

Fortunately, we’re here to help you with that. In this guide, we’re going to review some of the best heavy-duty ellipticals on the market designed for heavyweight individuals and provide you with a quick buying guide. Let’s get started.

Best Ellipticals For Heavy Person 

1. Teeter FreeStep Recumbent Elliptical  CrossTrainer - 300 Lbs Weight Capacity

Teeter FreeStep Recumbent Elliptical CrossTrainer - 300 Lbs weight capacity

 We kick off this list with the Teeter recumbent elliptical which is basically a cross trainer and elliptical in one. It features zero impact exercise to make sure you won’t feel any stress on your back and joints each time you exercise. Additionally, it develops not just your lower body but your entire body as well.

With a maximum weight limit of 300 pounds, the machine is perfect for overweight individuals who are aiming to lose weight. And since it’s fairly easy to use, it can be a recommended elliptical for beginners.

Teeter FreeStep Elliptical comes with a patented stride technology and a cushioned seat with back support that help you reduce the load on your knees.

With its magnetic resistance, you can go from light workout to a high-intensity workout with a turn of a dial.

Lastly, its small footprint puts this cardio equipment on the list of the best low profile ellipticals on the market.

What we like

  • Offers zero impact exercise
  • Adjustable seat with a backrest
  • It distributes muscle exertion throughout your body
  • Adjustable moving arm exerciser so you can isolate the triceps or the biceps
  • Eliminates stress on the back and joints

What we don't like

  • No pulse sensors included

2. Schwinn 470 Compact Elliptical - 300 Pounds Weight Limit

Schwinn 470 Compact Elliptical - 300 pounds weight limit

 Schwinn is one of the leading makers of quality fitness equipment, and the Schwinn 470 Elliptical is a testament to that. It’s a pretty sturdy elliptical that’s capable of supporting up to 300 lbs of weight. Apart from that, it’s also fairly lightweight compared to other ellipticals on the market and comes with transportation wheels making it easy to transport.

Perhaps some of the things that make the Schwinn 470 elliptical quite popular among users are its Bluetooth connectivity feature, computer, display, and monitoring. You can find two LCD windows where you can check up to 13 different parameters while working out. You also have the option to download your performance data then transfer it to other apps like MyFitnessPal or Schwinn Connect.

With this equipment, you can also experience a run through 19 locations with 27 routes in real-time by syncing with the free downloadable Run Social App.

To mimic a natural running motion, the Schwinn 470 elliptical has a 20 inches stride length with precision path technology. The long stride length makes the machine a suitable elliptical for tall people.

Aside from that, the machine comes with 29 programs to allow you to vary your training. There’s also the high-speed drive system for a more intense workout, a 10-degree incline, and up to 25 magnetic resistance levels.

What we like

  • 25 levels of magnetic resistance
  • 29 different programs to choose from
  • Bluetooth compatibility
  • 10 degrees motorized incline
  • It has a bottle and tablet holder
  • Ideal for both beginners and advanced users

What we don't like

  • No straps for heart rate monitoring

3. Sole Fitness E35 Elliptical Machine - 350 Lbs Weight Capacity

Sole Fitness E35 Elliptical Machine - 350 Lbs weight capacity

 The Sole Fitness E35 machine belongs to the high-end adjustable ellipticals club.

This front-drive elliptical features an ergonomically-engineered design to make sure you won’t have to suffer from undue stress on your back and knees, thanks to its 2-degree inward adjustability. Additionally, it comes with a 20-22” stride to fits users of varying heights.

Compared to the other products on the market, the 350 pounds weight capacity elliptical comes with a 30-degree power incline which is quite excellent if you want to make your sessions progressively more difficult. Other amazing features include a chest strap heart rate monitoring, a built-in fan, 16 resistance levels, 10 different programs, and a lifetime warranty on the frame among others.

The only caveat is that the assembly will take a bit longer than the rest.

What we like

  • Features a 30-degree decline
  • Allows backward pedaling
  • Offers 16 resistance levels
  • Long-time warranty
  • Incline and resistance buttons are built in the handlebars
  • 350-pound weight limit

What we don't like

  • Assembly can take a lot of time
  • A big-budget elliptical

 4. Bodycraft SCT400g Seated Elliptical - 400 Lbs Weight Limit

Bodycraft SCT400g Seated Elliptical - 400 Lbs Weight limit

 The Bodycraft SCT400g is designed to make workouts easier without introducing stress on your joints, back, and legs. It comes with 8 variable levels of resistance, customizable programs, and a well-designed console to name a few.

Basically, this recumbent elliptical is intended for overweight individuals up to 400 lbs who need consistent back support. It also works well for those who are recovering from injury as well as senior individuals suffering from knee problems.

The built-in side handlebar pulse sensors of the heavy-duty frame allow you to get to know your heart rate that is displayed on the LCD monitor.

What we like

  • Allows forward and backward pedaling
  • 400 pounds weight capacity
  • Transport wheels
  • It comes with fixed and moving handlebars
  • You can move the seat up and down

What we don't like

  • Doesn’t have a power incline

Things to Look For When Buying an Elliptical for Heavy People

Before you buy an elliptical machine, you have to consider the following factors first:

Weight Limit

Before getting started, you should make sure to check an elliptical’s maximum weight limit. If’s too low, then it’s probably not capable of supporting your body weight. The best option is to keep a decent margin between your weight and an elliptical machine’s weight limit.

For example, if you weigh 250 pounds, then a machine with a 350-pound limit is recommended. By opting for a machine with a higher weight limit, you’ll be able to reduce the risk of exceeding its capacity.

Stride Length

Stride length varies from one machine to another. For most people, it won’t be that much of an issue, and a 20” stride length will work just fine. However, if you’re short, then you’d want to go for a machine with a smaller stride length, preferably under 18 inches.


An elliptical machine with good stability will ensure that you can focus on your workout session without any rocking or wobbling issues. Generally, the heavier the machine is, the more stable it will be. Therefore, if you’re a morbidly obese person, you should always consider an elliptical machine’s stability for a smoother workout.

Workout Programs

Elliptical trainers commonly have workout programs that are often designed by certified trainers to offer variations in your workout sessions. A good elliptical should come with a few workout programs to make your sessions less boring and allow you to choose the specific workout you want – either cardio, intervals, weight loss, etc.

Resistance Levels

Lastly, you want to consider elliptical's resistance levels. It basically influences the quietness, durability, and overall feel of the machine. You’d want to go for a machine that uses magnets to create resistance. Also, the more resistance levels, the more options you have when it comes to upping the intensity of your workout.

Final Thoughts

Hopefully, our list of the best heavy-duty ellipticals will help you decide the right machine that suits your need for your home workouts. Thanks for reading, and good luck with your workout sessions.

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